Content Marketing Strategy for your Small Business.

Win more customers with content, a superior brand and develop trust with your potential customers.


Create a successful content marketing strategy to help reach your audience and boost conversions

So what is content marketing? Content marketing is a long term strategy that uses various forms of content to help develop a stronger relationship with your audience, capture their attention, improve their engagement with your brand, and help improve brand recall.

Does content marketing (CM) work for small businesses?

The short answer is yes! We found that approximately 70% of customers would instead learn about a company through an article than any other kind of advertisement. That means there are a lot of customers out there actively looking for content.

You hear a lot about larger companies pushing out a ton of great content, and we often read how they are used as examples of how to do content right. But you also think that these large companies such as Delta, Starbucks, and Zillow have deep pockets and significant resources to pay for and produce quality content.

The short story is that you can benefit from a positive return of investment (ROI) by adding content marketing to your strategy, even as a small business.

CM takes time and patience to build if you go alone, or you can outsource it. However, nearly 75% of brands now hire someone to manage their content strategy. So what can SEO Kangaroo do for my CM strategy? Keep reading and find out.

Let us take care of your Content Marketing, so you don't have to.

Rather than spending a ton of time writing and developing it yourself and adding even more to your plate, you can hire SEO Kangaroo to help you manage your resources, connect with your audience, and target content more effectively to help move those prospects through your funnel.

We don't have set pricing as everyone's requirements are different, and we don't want to sell something you don't need. Instead, contact us for a free no-obligation consultation to discuss your needs.


Greater Return on a Small Investment

Even when you outsource your CM, it's still cheaper than other forms of advertising.

In fact, CM typically costs about 60% less than traditional and outbound marketing tactics.

Along with reduced costs, CM consistently generates 3x the number of leads, and those leads are a part of a larger collection of traffic that brings more social shares, new prospects, and increased brand visibility.

The best part of CM is that it doesn't cost a lot and sticks around, constantly generating traffic and leads.


Keep your Website Fresh and Relevant

When you regularly create content for your small business, you produce an ongoing stream of fresh content.

Google loves fresh content, and when they have to weigh which content to show to searchers, this can increase the odds that your content will be selected over competitors.

We take the time to find out what questions your customers are asking, research their needs, find out their biggest struggles and come up with a plan to solve their problems.

A custom CM strategy will help you build trust and brand loyalty with your customers.


Expose your Business to a Larger Audience

When you write quality content, your audience will take note and is more likely to share it.

Once that content is live, it will continue to send you traffic monthly at no cost.

Every share puts your brand and content ahead of a growing online audience.

Compare that to paid advertising, which dries up immediately after the campaigns stop running.

This doesn't happen on its own; you need a CM strategy to help you plan the promotion of your business for the best results.


Boost your Organic Search Visibility

Creating a bunch of quality, helpful content targeting your potential customers is great, but what good is it if no one ever sees the content?

How does a small business compete with other brands already dominating the competitive landscape?

Well, to start with, size doesn't matter... What does matter is quality, relevancy to the topic, and several other vital factors.

Using these factors and building a strategy of engagement and consumer education can promote your small business to the top of organic searches.


Content as a Major Lead Magnet

Providing quality content for your audience and becoming a trusted resource for their problems will help you grow in visibility and traffic. In addition, by delivering quality content consistently, you will see steady growth in the number of leads you generate.

Your content strategy should produce content at every buyer's journey stage. The right content will fuel the acquisition of new customers, and with an attractive magnet in place, you will capture more leads.

Your strategy should be about making your website an attractive resource when it comes time to decide.


Means of Promotion without Selling Yourself

Customers follow you online and on social media because they want to hear from you. They want to see special offers, promotions, and more.

Content marketing lets you provide significant value beyond your products, giving your potential customers more reasons to pay attention to you.

Customers have issues beyond those directly related to your products and services, so your CM strategy should also consist of content that seeks to solve problems in the industry outside of your own solutions.


The answer to that is easy. Yes, it is.

We can't think of any business that wouldn't benefit from more website traffic, recurring visits, and a great sense of trust between customers and your brand. Couple this with a reduction in customer acquisition and marketing costs, and you have a winning formula. Your customers want content, so let's give it to them.

It doesn't matter whether your marketing budget is $100 or $10,000. We can create a custom content marketing strategy that's just right for your business and budget. Contact us for a free no-obligation consultation to discuss your needs.

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